How to build a $10k/mo product as a Non-Tech Builder?

Hellllloo đź‘‹

Welcome to The Builder OS Newsletter - a newsletter around building products and making money from products on the Internet. Brought to you by Rushab and Vatsal ♥️

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Topic of the Week

How to build a $10k/mo product as a Non-Tech Builder?

I do not code yet I have shipped 10+ products in the past 1.5-2 years.

I know that taking the first step to building a tech product when you’re not technically skilled can be daunting.

Let me help you go through this with a process that has worked well for me.

Ideas are worth a dime

First things first, understand that your idea is worthless unless executed. So don’t think that someone will build it out for you just because you have an amazing idea.

Do you homework

Crystallise your idea and do all the homework required for your idea.

  • What do you want to build?

  • Whom do you want to build it for? Who are your users?

  • Why do you want to build it?

  • How big is the market and how much of it are you targeting?

  • What do you want to achieve out of this?

  • Will you generate revenue? If so, how much?

  • Are there competitors? How will you differentiate?

Define your MVP and figure out the best possible tech Stack

Define your minimum viable product

  • Define the core functionality

  • Define important features

  • Should it be webapp or a mobile app or both and why

  • What is the best possible tech stack for your product? Research and Ask - People do help.

Design your Prototype

Now that you know what to build - Design your MVP’s screens on paper or on figma. if you dont know figma, use any other tool that you are comfortable with. Hire a designer and get UI/UX done. Ensure you do not go overboard with features - keep the MVP very light.

Marketing Plan and GTM

Prepare a marketing strategy and a GTM strategy.

Organise everything and get your Pitch ready

Now that you have your thesis ready, you can either build your product if you can or pitch your idea (with the ammunition) to a relevant developer and build it alongside them.

This approach allows you to dive deeper into the idea and create a solid plan around it. With this, finding collaborators will become very easy as compared to simply pitching your idea without any groundwork to anyone - You are just another person with an idea for them :)

In my case, I learned a fair bit of figma and no-code but I am dependent on my co-builders to ship a product. Yet, I know the tech in and out - the design, the flows, the stack and everything else.

Now, how to get to $10K/mo? We will cover that soon but not knowing how to code shouldn’t stop you - Go Build Something!


Looking to Build an AI SaaS?

If you are a founder or a developer looking to ship an AI SaaS - Do check out our AI SaaS Boilerplate -

It is a Github repo with modular customisable code for landing pages, auth pages, waitlist pages, auth, payments, emails, SEO and everything that is required to get an AI tool live!

Furthermore, it comes with pre-built apps such as Chat with PDF, Chat with Youtube, Multi LLM ChatGPT, Content Writer Tool, Image Generation Tool, Voice Notes Tool and many more.

The Builder OS Sessions

The Builder OS Sessions are a series of Masterclasses, Info Sessions & Interviews with the top 1% of experts & builders

Last week we did a session on Incorporation in US with Priya Jain, a CA - the recording is available exclusively to the members of Builder OS

This week, we are doing two sessions -

  1. 0 to $120K in ARR - The Supergrow(th) story with Utsav from
    When? June 14, Friday, 3 PM IST

    Sign up here

  2. No Code 101 with Madhuri from Experian
    A must attend session to understand the basics of No-Code and get an overview of the No Code Landscape.
    When? June 15, Saturday, 11 AM IST
    Sign up here

Stay Tuned for more sessions - we have sessions planned around topics such as Product 101, Landing Page 101, How to Start, Grow and Sell a Newsletter and many more!

Community Learnings for the Week

  • Do you also think what indie marketers do day to day? Here’s what Olly (cofounder @Senja) did to grow Senja to $30,000+ MRR

  • John shares the strategy he used for building and growing more than 24 products

  • Cody shares a way to find podcast guest application forms which can be modified and used for finding guest posting applications as well

Story of the Week

Testimonial tool makes $30k+ MRR, is a platform that helps founders, creators, and businesses collect and manage customer reviews and testimonials.

Olly and Wilson started in 2022, Initially, the company faced significant challenges, including a lack of customers and recurring revenue. Despite having a strong product, struggled to gain traction, with only 65 users in the first month after launch. The company's revenue was minimal, with only $350 earned from two LTD sales and $0 in MRR.'s growth accelerated significantly after the end of June 2022. The company implemented several key strategies that contributed to its success:

  1. Finding Unique Selling Points

  2. Building a First-Class Onboarding

  3. Experimenting with Acquisition Channels achieved several significant milestones in its journey to $30,000 MRR:

  1. By the end of 2022, had reached $250 MRR, marking a significant turning point in its growth.

  2. In 2024, hit $300K in revenue, a substantial increase from its early days.

  3. Senja now has over 1,100+ customers

    Senja’s founder recently shared their day-to-day marketing tasks too on Twitter. It gives a good overview of what goes in background and different marketing strategies Senja is experimenting with to reach $30,000k+

Parting Notes

Did you like today's edition of The Builder OS? Is there something that we can do better? Please share your feedback with us ♥️

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